Trust the timing of your life

This week, I sat down with Jeronica Macey, co-founder and owner of Nirvana Soul, to talk shop. Jeronica has been my best friend since she was 11 months old. (Yes, we are 11 months apart, so we’re pretty much twins if you don’t think too hard about it.)

Jeronica has been a barista, shift lead, manager, and coffee consultant for over sixteen years. She’s truly the talent. If you haven’t seen her in action, you are missing out and in for a treat, because Jeronica sees people. Like, she really sees them. Whether, it’s checking in on her customer’s husband’s recent diagnosis or holding another customer accountable for studying for their finals, she sees them.

Cuddled by our roommate (my dog) Oliver Leroy, and wearing a t-shirt with an image of a woman drinking coffee and living her best life on it — who kind of looks like me — Jeronica spilled on where Nirvana Soul came from and what the future holds.

BA: Hey, seester! What are you sippin’ on? What’s your favorite drink?

JM: My favorite drink is always going to be just a black coffee — like, a good medium to dark roast. If I’m in a fancy mood, then I’ll get a cortado.

Jeronica and Ollie

BA: How did you come up with the name Nirvana Soul?

JM: It really just came to me. I was sitting with a notepad with my roommates in Sacramento at the time, bouncing ideas around, and it just came to me. Nirvana meant something like paradise in the dictionary and I added the Soul part because I just felt like we were a soulful group. That was maybe 10 years ago!

BA: What’s been the hardest part of all of this so far?

JM: Really just allowing myself to be vulnerable, you know? Just putting myself out there.

BA: Because this could really go left!

JM: Exactly! The fact that we’re doing something so public is scary. We don’t even have a shop yet and people are getting excited. We’re still trying to figure it out. So I definitely feel like the pressure is on.

BA: What’s it like working with your favorite person in the whole wide world?

JM: *Laughs* I think we complement each other. Where I tend to fall short, you shine and vise versa. We have a unique sisterhood. I’m humbled by it, really. Some sisters don’t get along at all! Arguing all the time and stuff. But we just work.

BA: Best friends since birth! What’s your ultimate vision for Nirvana Soul?

JM: To positively impact people. I want us to grow and expand this as a family business. Our community is important to us. We want this to inspire others to put themselves out there too.

BA: You got a little emotional at our pitch party. What does coffee mean to you?

JM: Coffee means togetherness. It’s safety. It’s understanding. It’s everything. Some of the best conversations I’ve had have been over a cup of coffee. So I guess it’s really about unity. It doesn’t care about race, size, or anything. I’ve left the industry thinking I had to get a “real job” so many times and I always return because there’s nothing else like it. Coffee saved my life.

BA: Why do you think now is the time to do this?

JM: Well you know I’ve been waiting a long time for you to partner with me! *Laughs* But seriously, I just think timing is everything. I’ve been in and out of coffee my entire adult life, and I always come back to it. I knew I wanted my own shop eventually. Through a series of unexpected and crazy events, I landed back home in San Jose last year. I think my timing happened to align with yours and we both were just ready. San Jose is ready too.

BA: San Jose been ready!

JM: Yeah it’s growing so fast!

BA: I’m really happy you’re finally doing this.

JM: I am too.

BA: I love you, seester.

JM: I love you too.

Nirvana Soul is a soulful coffee & tea shop bringing exciting flavor, creative artistry, and bold inspiration to the Bay Area. Follow our journey on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.


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